We are all in this together
On March 10th, I got the rug pulled out from me – well, not quite, but it did feel a little like that. We had just finished set-up for a major work event and started rehearsal when we got the call to cancel the event. Within days, we were told that the company would be moving to a full-time remote work schedule and then the Stay-at-Home Order came.
Who would have thought that we would be where we are today? I have been working remotely full time for over 2 months, my outings consist of the grocery store, the occasional Chick-fila pick-up, and a few other errands. Other than that, we have been HOME. Very different for me and probably many of you too. For a gal that likes to go, we have stayed put.
We are all in this together. With everyone’s help in following guidelines put in place, I hope that we will be back to a “normal” sooner than later. But patience is our best medicine. We will get through this and be on the other side soon.
So, why not pick-up a little blogging while there is more time. I probably could have, should have started this back up weeks ago, but I’m just now there. So, here we go again….